
With over 40,000 Australian mums and their families benefiting from Qiara probiotics each and every year, it’s no wonder we receive so much feedback.

So, naturally, we (and lots of other mums and families) would be grateful if you could also share your story of how Qiara probiotics helped you and your family. After all, your experience could even help someone just like you!

If you’d like to share your story, feedback and even photo, simply email us at

"Yes, I used this after I had my 3rd bout of mastitis with my baby. After I started taking this I never got it again. It meant I was able to breastfeed until my baby was 11 months old. I highly recommend it. Will use it again with my next baby due in May!" Deanna Safotti @pinkymckay ...

"Taking a regular probiotic such as Qiara to reduce pain and repeat occurrences of mastitis." Top Tips from Empowered Motherhood ...

Wow - A product you can definitely trust!!! "I have taken this product with both of my babies. Sometimes after birth when I felt that everything was drained from me and the feeling of mastitis was coming on. I started to take Qiara Pregnancy and Breastfeeding and really helped me in the discomfort and reduced my breast pain." Talia @Tellmebabyau ...

EVERYDAY ESSENTIAL! "This is a must in pregnancy and breastfeeding. So natural (four ingredients), Australian made and owned. Will progress with the child and adult products once pregnancy and breastfeeding is finished! WORTH IT!! Little tummies are so important in development, if there is something wrong with their tummy it effects their WHOLE health." Hannah @TellMeBaby ...

"Never looked back! I experienced recurring mastitis for the first 6 months postpartum. Ever since finding Qiara and making it a part of my regular diet ... to help relieve the symptoms before anything progress to full blown mastitis again. It's a wonderful product, I highly recommend it to any mums having issues with mastitis, inflam and blocked ducts." 5 star review from Sarah B @nursingangel ...

Super helpful & quality product "I knew I loved the product, I’ve used it throughout pregnancy and trust the research behind it - taking it to get me ready for breastfeeding my babe! ...Highly recommend!" Kaitlin ...

".. many of you said you loved it too! ⁣. I feel extremely grateful that I’ve had a smooth sailing breastfeeding journey so far and I really believe Qiara have played a big role in that! The sachet of goodness helps maintain a healthy gut flora because when mumma’s tummy is bloated and uncomfortable, bubs tummy generally will be too! ⁣ I can hand on heart say I notice a difference if I run out ...

Willbys for Colic and Qiara for gut health : "So my little gal (5 weeks tomorrow) has been on wilby's colic/wind mix and the (Qiara) probiotics for 2 days and I have a totally different child! She's far more interactive and actually plays now. I was literally doing a happy dance this morning after she slept better than she ever has at night " Carlz2018 @babycentreaustralia ...

“I wish I started using Qiara sooner! My 5 month old has had so many tummy troubles and after us both being on Qiara for 3 weeks, I’ve already noticed such a massive difference in him and he’s so much happier!" Bec Stephens ...

"I was getting repetitive mastitis and since taking this, I haven’t had it once! And my little boy has slept through without a night feed a few times (we all know what that does to the boobs!) and no sign of mastitis at all. So grateful." Keely R @nursingangel ...